Friday, July 10, 2020

Making Argumentative Paragraph Essays Effective

Making Argumentative Paragraph Essays EffectiveMost student take some time before writing an argumentative paragraph essay because they believe that the only way to do so is to use complex sentence structures. While this is true, it can be used in a limited manner and can only produce a limited result. Instead of using long sentences to get to the point, try using short sentences that contain very short bullets that make the important points.To make your sample argumentative paragraph essay effective, you should use a shorter more concise language. Short sentences make it easy for the reader to understand what the writer is trying to say. Also, using shorter sentences can help make the point clearer because less words mean less chance of an incorrect thought entering your mind.While a high school student might use just the right amount of vocabulary and grammar to communicate their ideas, the students at the college level will need to use more slang and poor grammar to show how they feel. The student who has been used to using the lingo in their schoolwork will struggle in this style of writing. Instead, students will have to show the difference between their personal opinion and how they know what is right. This can be done by using words like 'I,' 'me,' 'my,' and 'mine' instead of 'you'your.'There are many different ways to communicate opinions and feelings about a topic. However, when you feel strongly about something, it is often best to express that with words. Using phrases like 'it is my opinion' will show your readers how strongly you feel about the topic. Even if it means using more words, it shows your readers that you care enough about the topic to get into the specifics of how you feel.The main point of any essay should be the truth. You should show your readers how you got to the main point of the essay. However, if you want to explain how you came to the main point, using a good example will help. Writing something like, 'I learned why the supply of oil is going up in price; it's because of this and that...' is far more interesting than, 'I believe that the cost of oil is increasing because of...'Many students who are writing an essay to prove their points of view find that they need to go back and start over several times when they are not able to connect the two points together with a long argument. Instead of stopping the flow of information, write a few sentences to make it clear what you are trying to prove and then continue with the rest of the article.Even if you are writing a story about a situation, don't forget to show how your feelings or opinions match with the story. Writing an essay about something you have personally experienced can be hard but by showing your emotions it can make it easier. Additionally, being emotionally attached to the experience can actually make it more real to you so you can relate it to your own life and learn from it.One good reason to show your opinions and feelings is so that you can tell readers that you are willing to stand up for what you believe in. Writing about what you believe in is important but even if you are not comfortable talking about your views, writing it down can help you practice expressing them without using words you may not normally use. By being a better writer, you will be making an effective argumentative paragraph essay that will get you through your classes and impress your professors.

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